You’ve been lied to

Dear Voters of Sullivan County,

I'm sorry. As hard as this legislature worked for the betterment of our county, the end is near. Accomplishments of fiscal stability, investment in our youth and infrastructure, our workforce, our future were not enough to overcome the propaganda machine of career politicians intent on personal gain and focused on my destruction.

You have been lied to. The Democratic Party of Sullivan County colluded with the new Republican Leadership, and had their faithful perpetuate the falsehood of poor conditions at the Care Center to you month after month until it became the truth in your mind. This "big lie" a political propaganda tactic employed by Joseph Goebbels, districted you from the myriad accomplishments of the Legislature.

The facts remain long after the votes are tallied, and a resolution to return the Care Center to the County's ownership will never happen. The CareCenter will be sold to Infinite Care and the new legislature will do nothing to stop it. They never had any intention of doing so, its a fiscal liability for the County of epic proportions. Their only intention was to lie to the voting public of Sullivan County and gain control based on those lies: to strike an emotional chord while using aging parents as the instrument.   Imagine your parent being treated poorly day after day would you tolerate that? Would you leave your loved one in the conditions they claim to exist for four years and then gain control and do nothing about it? Of course you wouldn’t- no one would.

I can say with a clear conscience that the legislature-elect lied to gain power, and will let the sale to Infinite Care go through without a single resolution gaining enough votes to stop it. That is a promise to you.

Greg Goldstein the new Republican Party Chair stated on a local radio show that he was brought in to get rid of me “because I refused to cooperate.“ This statement may be the only time Greg has been truthful in his political dealings. I refused to allow the wink and nod, back room dealings that have kept this County from realizing its full potential. I did not cooperate with corruption and business as usual to line the pockets of generational power brokers. I refused to collude and make deals with party bosses who only have the goal of personal power and betterment on their minds. This legislature brought the County to its best financial shape in history in four short years. While I may have lost an election, I gained a lot of knowledge of the true colors of this County's "leaders" and the purposeful roadblocks they placed toward creating a positive future. The Republican Party sacrificed every other elected position in the County to stop me. With me out of the way, they hosted an influence-peddling dinner on December 14th with no agenda. Maybe, they should focus on the plan that continues the growth and fiscal integrity of the County, even if they can't give credit to those responsible for it.

If you thought I was problematic as a legislator, imagine what I can expose without the limitations of public office.

Rob Doherty
Former District 1 Legislator


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