A Message from Brenda Devore
Re-Elect Michael Brooks, District 3 Legislator
I usually do not like to get involved in election madness, however, with what has transpired in the past few months; the politics of personal destruction and the like has compelled me to speak up. Politics are harsh at times but it seems like even here, in the small Town of Neversink, the lengths that some will go to is both shocking and disgraceful.
My brother, Michael Brooks, has been involved in some type of political position a good part of his adult life…from school board, to planning board, to town board, to legislator. He is an honest and respected gentleman whose interest has solely been for the people he has served. Our community has supported Mike for over twenty years because of this. Mike appreciates independent and critical thinking people and approaches not only politics but life that way; apparently some, based on their actions, do not see the value in thinking for oneself. Politics can be nasty, but we the people should not act that way. Where does it get us? Agreeing to disagree is healthy and a normal part of life. When one gets involved in the political realm, it should be that they have something to offer, in that they can think for themselves, be open minded, listen to people and be their own person.
Michael Brooks is an independent, respected leader who has put his heart and soul into his position as your District 3 Legislator. He will continue to work FOR THE PEOPLE. Mike’s long success is attributable to the mutual respect that exists between him and his constituents. A vote for Michael Brooks on November 7th (early voting starts on Saturday the 28th) is a vote for the people!
Brenda Devore
Grahamsville, NY