Bullies lie.

To former Deputy Supervisor and Councilman Nathan Steingart.

Dear Nathan, I do think that at the core, you are a good guy. However, I think you let politics get in the way here... over what? It’s a shame that a few days before the election we must do this. I was waiting for a call from you at 12:15 M today but the experienced leader did not make that happen. You did not have the backbone to call me directly. I guess that is another promise NOT kept.

Instead you became a keyboard warrior. Nathan, you write about immoral, illegal, and embarrassing backgrounds. I think you should also write about your plans and accountability. Then I realized why, you did not… you have no plan and would not know accountability if it hit you in the face!

Mark my words, Nathan. I don’t like bullies, and I’m certainly not afraid to stand to someone like you. The only reason you lie is because you’re desperate… and the whole county knows it too.

Dear Fallsburg,

For those who may not know, I have known Nathan since childhood. Our children grew up together, our families used to be close. Let’s be clear: I was waiting for a call from Nathan to discuss this before making a post, though I am not surprised he didn’t. I was under the misconception that’s what to expect from responsible people. Since we were friends, I won’t throw the easy low blows at him because I don’t have to. He speaks of this “immoral”, “illegal”, and “embarrassing background”, but conveniently leaves out specifics on what did I do that was immoral, illegal, or embarrassing. Why? Simple - he thinks you’re too dumb to ask those questions. A lot like his eight years as a leader in this town.

Typical Nathan Steingart: he’s heavy on gossip and rumor, light on specifics. Since I am the only one who is running for office under the new leadership, I have an obligation to let you know that I cannot sit by and let this go without comment. If you ignore a bully, he only gets emboldened. There is one rumor about a current candidate for office using government computers to support their campaign, FYI It’s not me!

I have spent 22 months cleaning up the rotten, corrupted mess he made as a leader of Fallsburg, and this is all just tactics of a sore loser. What has he accomplished? I notice he doesn’t mention that at all… Why? It’s hard to mention anything he’s have done when you are a puppet following orders from donors who don’t even reside in Sullivan County.

I have held more people accountable in 22 months for waste, fraud, and abuse that happened under his leadership. Under my vision and direction, we had explosive growth - because under his leadership, he only cared about himself.

How do I know this? – Stay tuned, what you’ll see is mind blowing.

Kathy Rappaport,

Town of Fallsburg Supervisor


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