A Message from the Chairman

Fellow Patriot,

Many of the people reading this letter may not be familiar with me. I’ve spent a long 20 years in the Army, working in what we call the Operational and Strategic domains.  My area of expertise involved in-depth engagement with the planning and execution of theater-wide engineering operations.  Most recently, I’ve dedicated the past few years to applying my skills to the political battlefield, specifically by supporting underdog candidates in highly contested races across the state.  That’s why I started Sullivan’s Legacy: a committee designed to leverage my experience to support our candidates and to take on the fights our committees wouldn’t – all in a way that honors the memory of Major General John Sullivan.

Imagine my disappointment when looking back to Sullivan County and seeing the condition of our political climate.  Hearing the rumors that whisper across the mountains from the dark corners of our homes.  What is the measure of someone who pledges behind closed doors to switch parties after an election, on the condition for your vote?  Someone who promises they’re secretly on your team, while flying the banner of your opposition?  Ask yourself, is this a person who is sacrificing for you, or asking you to sacrifice for them?

One of the strongest lessons I’ve learned in my Army career is this: sometimes, a person can both simultaneously have a difficult personality and still be extremely effective at their job. What’s more important is this:  it’s your job as a leader to be able to manage those people, and your inability to work with people you dislike is really a reflection of your own weakness then of theirs.  Why?  Because it is your responsibility to understand that our collective mission’s success always supersedes our personal egos.  We’ve never enjoyed the luxury of filing legal disputes against our peers in the heat of the moment.  We worked with what we had, and sometimes it’s far from perfect.

If the above is untrue, then what does it mean to be a Republican?  We were supposed to be the party rooted in merit, reason, and sound judgment.  We don’t simply call ourselves Republicans for convenience in an election.  We recognize that we have a duty and an obligation bestowed upon us by our forefathers to do everything within our power to protect our American values.  Do not give into the influence of the betrayers and malcontents within our party, those who would convince you to vote against your own best interests for the sake of personal vendettas.  Anyone willing to sacrifice you and your prosperity for revenge are untrustworthy and are unworthy of your friendship.

I will tell you this:  I’m not backing down from this and I refuse to surrender my vote to people who would work to fight against my values.  I will be voting Republican in every race available to me.  I urge you to stand with me and do the same.  Sullivan County used to be renowned in New York as a Republican stronghold.  I think it’s time that we remind people why.

This is our fight, because we are Sullivan’s legacy.

Nate Henderson
Sullivan’s Legacy


Bullies lie.


A Message from Kathy Rappaport